Collin J Örthner – Photographer

May 31, 2010


Filed under: People, Winter — collin j örthner @ 8:25 pm

I have been shooting a lot lately with a small point and shoot digital – a Canon G10. Some really diverse subjects and some rather experimental type images, at least for me. I find a smaller camera is wonderful for practicing my eye compositionally and so will be posting a bunch of images that may not necessarily be beautiful or even attractive, but are in fact me “practicing my eye”. This kind of “practice” I feel is essential in helping me understand relationships between colours, shapes, textures, patterns, brightness levels, sharpness vs. unsharpness, different bokeh effects, etc. this first image isn’t exactly much of a study, but was just one of the first images I made with the camera of my son Thomas, who came along on a walk with me along the Red Deer River.

May 15, 2010

Wilcox Pass

Filed under: Hi Res, Ice, Nature, Panorama, Panoramic, People, Travel, Winter — collin j örthner @ 4:44 am

I made a quick trip up to Wilcox Pass last Friday – Saturday with a friend from Edmonton (Ron – McBain Camera’s buyer and a relative of his from Calgary – Bill). It was kind of last minute for me as another buddy of Ron’s had to cancel and he was kind enough to invite me along. We had snowshoes along, and I had never done that before so was really looking forward to strapping them on my boots. It was a tough climb for me. I haven’t had that kind of exertion for a long time. Ron and Bill virtually ran up the hill compared to me!! It was definitely worth the effort though as the scenery was spectacular. The whole drive out Ron was willing the clouds away in hope for a nice sunny day when we were up high. It worked wonders and the day started out perfectly clear and stayed that way for the most part.I used my Canon G10 for this trip instead of hauling along my 5DmkII, mostly in an effort to save weight. Glad I did, but have no regrets as the G10 performed beautifully. These are all stitched panoramas and could easily be printed larger than 50 inches across!

Be sure to click on each image as this blog shows only a portion of each image.

Just after we gained the top of the first ridge, just above the treeline we could start to see how the pass opens up. Ron is leading the way. We stopped just past the ridge Ron is approaching for our lunch. This was about 2km into our trek and the worst part(elevation gain from the highway) was behind us.

From where we ate lunch you could look back and we could just see the Athabasca Glacier over the ridge on the left.

After lunch we started out again. Now we could enjoy the view through the pass. Absolutely gorgeous!!

That is Ron and Bill with the Athabasca Glacier across the valley behind them.

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