Collin J Örthner – Photographer

December 2, 2017

Grain Storage

When it gets thick enough, ice fog can eliminate any evidence of a horizon as it did on this day. I drove quite extensively around Red Deer County in the fog, which I find very enjoyable! Everything becomes very isolated and a feeling of loneliness pervades. Sounds become muted and whenever I stopped to have a look around or take a picture, I am sure to turn of the vehicle to enjoy the silence. Usually I’ll here a magpie, raven or maybe a distant farm dog barking. One day while out I heard a rather loud gunshot! I couldn’t see who was responsible and I’m certain whomever it was couldn’t see me, so I hightailed it out of there pretty quick!







November 18, 2017

“Walking Tree” and “Fallen Branch”

Filed under: Black & White, Fujifilm GFX50s, Hi Res, Mamiya 645 210mm, Medium Format, Nature, snow, Trees, Winter — collin j örthner @ 8:55 pm




This past Monday morning I dropped Laura off at her office downtown and headed into Red Deer County through a thick ice fog that had enveloped Red Deer and the surrounding area. I didn’t get far before I started to see the potential for some pictures. I slowed down along one of the range roads heading south as the fog was very thick, but when I get on backroads it’s what I tend to do anyway. As soon as I saw these trees I slammed on the brakes. They reminded me of Ray McSavaney’s pictures of the “Walking Tree” that he made in Yosemite National Park in the 80’s. I set up and waited until the fog drifted off a bit so I could see the front trees a bit better. It took a few minutes but I did’t mind. There was almost no wind and the fog was absorbing most of the sounds from around me. The quietness was very enjoyable!
Ray McSavaney is one of my favourite photographers and his book “Explorations” should not be missed and better yet, be in your library! I believe it was Ray McSavaney that first found the tree he photographed in Yosemite, but John Sexton photographed the “Fallen Branch” beautifully as well. Speaking of books, you should likely round up copies of John Sexton’s “Listen to the Trees” and “Recollections”!


12″ x 10.3″ print, signed, numbered, and shipped (open edition)

24″ x 20.6″ print, signed, numbered, and shipped (prints 1-5 available at this price)

40″ x 34.3″ print, signed, numbered, and shipped (prints 1-5 available at this price)



November 6, 2017

Still Here, Alternatively – I’m Back!

Filed under: Autumn, Fujifilm GFX50s, Hi Res, Mamiya 645 120mm Macro, Mamiya 645 210mm, Medium Format, Nature, Trees — collin j örthner @ 12:53 pm




“It’s dead, Spalpeen,” Brian’s father said gently.


“It happens to things,” his father said.

“Why does it happen to things?” He turned up his face to his father, cheeks stained with drying tears.

“That’s the way they end up.”

W.O Mitchell – Who Has Seen the Wind (Toronto and Boston, 1947) Macmillan of Canada





I have sorrowfully neglected my blog for far too long. No excuses really, just lazy! I have made many many pictures since I last posted and will start with some of the latest and slowly work backwards amongst new pictures as I go. For anyone who follows me on Instagram (collinjorthner) you will have seen most of the pictures I present here, but even today’s post has something different. One of these pictures on Instagram was shown in B&W, and here you get to see it in colour. 🙂

Autumn colours this year were quite beautiful, even though I didn’t capture a tonne (ton for those that still follow the imperial method of weighing things) of pictures. This one was made just as the woods made a last ditch attempt to impress those fortunate enough to walk the trails through them. It was a fairly windy afternoon and it was necessary to wait patiently for a spell of calm. I didn’t mind in the least, as it was still quite warm and looking around me wasn’t a bad way of spending some time. I spent a few hours slowly wandering around searching out the last few areas that were showing off.




We have had more than our share of windstorms this year in central Alberta and as such thousands of trees have been lost. Maybe lost is the wrong term? They are now becoming part of the forest’s nutrition plan for the future! I have tried to find a way of showing the damage, but in a way that is still aesthetically pleasing. It can be hard to walk through Bower Woods and still appreciate them for all their beauty with so many toppled trees.




Pertains to each of the three images in this post:
12″ x 9″ print, signed, numbered, and shipped (open edition)
24″ x 18″ print, signed, numbered, and shipped (prints 1-5 available at this price)
40″ x 30″ print, signed, numbered, and shipped (prints 1-5 available at this price)






February 22, 2016

Bower Woods in Fog

Filed under: Autumn, Hi Res, Minolta 100mm f2.5 Rokkor-X, Nature, Sony A7R, Trees — collin j örthner @ 10:10 pm

Late in the fall we had a very cold night  with high humidity which gave us a nice foggy morning. I enjoy the tranquility of walking in through the woods in the fog, but I don’t much enjoy driving in it unless I’m on a backroad where I can move along slowly. Bower Woods is only a few minutes from my home and becomes my default many days when I feel like walking and thinking. Not only do I feel calm when surrounded by the fog, but  sounds and colours are all muted as well.


Bower Woods, Red Deer, AB



February 3, 2016

Drilling for Fish

I suppose with almost no drilling for oil in these parts right now, an alternative might well be drilling for fish! Gull Lake in south central Alberta has it’s fair share of winter sportsmen who enjoy hanging out on the ice waiting for a fleeting glimpse of a fish. I for one don’t care for the sport, oh I’ve done it, but likely won’t ever again. Fly fishing – you bet, ice fishing – not so much. However, being that I enjoy photography so much, who is to say I can’t make a few photos of those that are still exploring the sport?

I have most Mondays off work(I usually work Saturdays, so please don’t get too excited thinking I get three day weekends!) and I have been waiting for a Monday that shows up with a nice cover of high clouds to enable the photo I am after for quite awhile. Sometimes my Mondays get rather full of things I need to get done, but this past week, I had a few hours available to go photographing and the conditions were ideal! I set off after driving my wife to work and enjoying a coffee with her.

It is a fairly short drive from Red Deer around a half hour or so. The day use area of Aspen Provincial Park is gated for the winter so a short half a kilometre walk got me to the beach area and just off shore were some of the fishing huts I was after.




I attempted this image last year, but the one time I made it out, the windchill was hovering around -30ºC, and I only took the time to make a photograph on 35mm film, which unfortunately was very far outdated 400ISO, so the resulting image was lacking shall we say!

As I was walking down the beach I noticed the one hut on the far right of the above image looking a bit lonely at the edge of the herd and I decided to isolate it with a telephoto lens to really give it the feeling of being lonely out there.




Then just before I was about to leave the beach and head back to my car one of the sportsmen decided to drill a new hole far from all the others. He had walked quite a distance with his ice auger and started drilling. I slang into action hoping to get set up in time to get at least one image before he finished the chore. I don’t know if he trouble starting the machine, but he seemed a bit delayed allowing me the few extra seconds to get my tripod set up and ready. I like this image the best from the time I spent at Gull Lake and would like to try printing it large with a white wood frame.




6.7″ x 10″ – Open Edition Printed on Ilford Galerie Prestige 310gsm, signed, numbered, and shipped

20″ x 30″ – Edition of 9 + 1 AP  Printed on Ilford Galerie Prestige 310gsm, signed, numbered, and shipped

30″ x 45″ – Edition of 4 +1 AP  Printed on Ilford Galerie Prestige 310gsm, signed, numbered, and shipped

40″x 60″ – Edition of 4 +1 AP  Printed on Ilford Galerie Prestige 310gsm, signed, numbered, and shipped

January 1, 2016

Little Mere Lake

Filed under: Black & White, Hi Res, Ice, Nature, Sony A7R, Travel, Trees, Winter — collin j örthner @ 11:17 pm

Little Mere Lake is along the northern border of the Chickakoo Lake Recreation Area north of Stony Plain, Alberta. My in-laws live fairly close to the area and so I try and travel along the roads and trails whenever we are visiting. I have been doing this now for more than 25 years and it still remains one of my favourite areas to be, although Parkland County has allowed a great many acreages to be built immediately bordering the small park with a lot of wells being dug, and I think that may be partly causing a drastic drop in the lake levels. The trails are fantastic and well maintained either for hiking, biking, or horseback riding in the three seasons without snow and in winter cross country ski trails are put down. As some of the lakes are now stocked with fish as well, the park has become quite busy and it would be a rare day now to have a trail to oneself, unlike in the past. I suppose I miss the days of the area being very quiet and unpopulated, but it is great to see so many who are out to enjoy the outdoors. I just hope it is managed in a way that prevents the destruction of the park.









December 20, 2015

The Sound of Silence

Filed under: Agriculture, Hand of Man, Hi Res, Mammals, Olympus OM Zuiko 200mm f5, snow, Sony A7R, Travel, Winter — collin j örthner @ 9:09 pm

My in-laws live in Parkland County, a short distance west of Edmonton. We visited them a week ago and I took the opportunity to head out before breakfast and well before the sun awakened. I usually head towards the Chickakoo Lakes Recreation Area which has wonderful trails and some great scenery. On my way I came across this scene which I have seen innumerable times. I have often thought it would make a great image if there was ever a horse in the right spot, but it hasn’t happened in over 20 years! That is, until last weekend, and we happened to have a nice snowfall to add some great ambience to the scene. I pulled over and got my camera all set up and then just had to wait for the horse to cooperate and stand nicely. Being early on a Sunday morning, there was nobody stirring and it was almost dead silent. I waited maybe 5 minutes enjoying the beautiful silence. The horse was also moving it’s head, and as there was still very little light it’s head would blur due to the long exposure. After a few more images however, I got one where the horse was standing just right and didn’t move perceptibly for the length of the exposure.


Parkland County, Alberta


10″ x 8″ – Open Edition Printed on Ilford Galerie Prestige 310gsm, signed, numbered, and shipped

30″ x 24″ – Edition of 9 + 1 AP  Printed on Ilford Galerie Prestige 310gsm, signed, numbered, and shipped

40″ x 32″ – Edition of 4 +1 AP  Printed on Ilford Galerie Prestige 310gsm, signed, numbered, and shipped


November 25, 2015

Masses of Light

Filed under: Autumn, Hi Res, Nature, Night, Rokinon 24mm T1.5 Cine DS, Skyscape, Sony A7R, Stars, Storms — collin j örthner @ 9:41 pm



Last night, just as we were going to turn in, the Northern Lights began and the display, which lasted all night, was the most brilliant and the colour effects the most beautiful I have ever seen. At times it seemed as if the whole sky was illuminated as the streamers of light with the brilliancy and appearance of search lights played over the sky, with here and there big masses of light delicately coloured. It was fascinating to watch the continual changes going on and the weird sensation it produced. Sometimes the effect was that of a gigantic stereopticon lantern turned on the sky for it’s curtain, only instead of pictures we saw fantastic shapes and forms come and go in the zone of light.

The Forgotten Explorer – Samuel Prescott Fay’s 1914 Expedition to the Northern Rockies


A few weeks ago we had a fabulous northern lights show. The evening was gorgeous too, No moon and without any wind with the temperature around 5°C. The lights were very active for almost an hour allowing me some time to get to more than one site. This is one of the first images I made. This was also a very unique location east or Red Deer that was completely void of farm lights, and the aurora were so bright they were lighting up the fields. Being so bright, I was also using a very short exposure allowing the image to show off the curtains better and not simply blending them together as a green mush. There was very little red aurora evident unfortunately, but any show this good was worth being out for!


Red Deer County, Alberta




November 16, 2015


Filed under: Agriculture, Autumn, Hi Res, Minolta 100mm f2.5 Rokkor-X, Nature, Sony A7R, Trees — collin j örthner @ 11:07 pm


The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on.

	                            Carl Sandburg 1916

fog 1

  (fôg, fŏg)


1. Condensed water vapor in cloudlike masses lying close to the ground and limiting visibility.


a. An obscuring haze, as of atmospheric dust or smoke.
b. mist or film clouding a surface, as of a window, lens, or mirror.
3. cloud of vaporized liquid, especially a chemical spray used in fighting fires.


a. state of mental vagueness or bewilderment.
b. Something that obscures or conceals; a haze: shrouded their actions in a fog of disinformation.
5. blur on a developed photographic image.
v.  foggedfog·gingfogs

1. To cover or envelop with fog.
2. To cause to be obscured; cloud.
3. To make vague, hazy, or confused: memory that had been fogged by time.
4. To obscure or dim (a photographic image).


1. To be covered with fog.
2. To be blurred, clouded, or obscured: My glasses fogged in the warm air.
3. To be dimmed or obscured. Used of a photographic image.

[Perhaps of Scandinavian origin.]

fog′ger n.

fog 2

(fôg, fŏg)


1. new growth of grass appearing on a field that has been mowed or grazed.
2. Tall, decaying grass left standing after the cutting or grazing season.

[Middle English foggetall grasssee pū̆- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



Red Deer County, Alberta


6.7″ x 10″ – Open Edition Printed on Hahnemuhle Photorag 308g, signed, numbered, and shipped

20″ x 30″ – Edition of 9 + 1 AP  Printed on Hahnemuhle Photorag 308g, signed, numbered, and shipped

26.7″ x 40″ – Edition of 4 +1 AP  Printed on Hahnemuhle Photorag 308g, signed, numbered, and shipped



Whether it softly comes in on little cat feet, or rolls in like a spooky movie, everyone has experienced fog. Although there are different types of fog, essentially fog is a cloud on the ground which reduces visibility to less than 1km. The basic requirements for fog to form are moisture in the air – the closer to 100% humidity the better, and the air near the ground must be cooling to within 5 F (3 C) of dew point – this is the temperature to which air must be cooled in order for water vapor in the air to condense to liquid water. When the air near the ground cools to dew point, the water vapor in the air will become visible as fog in the air or dew on the ground.

Fogs during summer will only happen with clear skies and near 100% humidity. There must also be condensation nuclei – or something onto which the water can condense. Condensation nuclei can be dust particles, aerosols, pollutants etc. When the air is saturated, additional moisture will condense onto this nuclei. Fog so often forms after sunset because that is when the air begins to cool and condensation replaces evaporation. Air cools best with clear skies as there are no clouds to trap the heat.

Fog can form at lower humidity levels if there are a really large amount of nuclei, especially if it is something such as salt.

During the summer, if there is a storm which includes hail, a phenomenon called hail fog can form. It is usually a shallow layer of fog above the ground. It forms because of increased moisture and cold air coming in contact with the warm ground.

During fall and early winter the most common form of fog is radiation fog. This type of fog forms when the land cools after sunset by radiating the heat up into the atmosphere. The air must be calm and the skies clear, again because cloud cover will trap heat in. When the ground is cool, it will cause condensation in the air above it. The more calm the air, the lower the fog is, under ideal conditions, the fog may only be a meter deep. Air movement will produce a thicker fog. Radiation fog can occur throughout the night but rarely lasts long after sunrise.

During winter – fog forms in a different manner, almost the opposite of summer fogs. During the winter months, fog will form when humid air moves over a cold surface. Winter fog is more common around bodies of water and is sometimes called lake effect fog.


Freezing fog, or Steam fog tends to occur in localized areas where cool air passes over warm, moist land. The tiny droplets in the fog will then freeze to surfaces. This frozen “fog” is called rime ice or hoar frost. Don’t confuse this with freezing rain – which is a true precipitation. Freezing fog is common at high elevations may come into contact with low clouds. An example of freezing fog is the ice which forms in old style freezers that aren’t “frost-free.”

In high northern or southern latitudes, especially around urban areas Ice fog can form. Ice fog is any type of fog where the droplets freeze into very tiny crystals in midair. This type of fog forms when the air temperature is well below freezing, generally below zero, so that any vapor present almost immediately condenses. Vapor is added to the air by automobile exhaust, furnaces and industrial plant exhaust. Ice fog can be extremely dense, posing driving hazards and the fog can last all through the day and night. The minuscule ice crystals sparkle in the sunlight and are often called “diamond dust”. Diamond dust can pose a health hazard if too much is inhaled. The Shoshone tribe of Native Americans had their own name for ice fog: they called it the Pogonip, which means “white death.” again because of the hazards of breathing it in.

If it seems sometimes that fog forms really quickly you are correct. There is a condition called flash fog. Fog can dissipate just as rapidly. This condition is dependent on which side of the dew point the temperature is.

If you live near the ocean you will likely have seen sea fog. Sea fog forms when the condensation nuclei is salt. Salt is, of course, very common near the ocean where it is kicked up into the atmosphere by the breaking waves. Salt is a unique condensation nuclei in that it will allow fog to form when the humidity is as low as 70%. Typically this fog begins as a transparent mistiness which rapidly changes to thick fog. Sea fog is a common type of fog along the California cost.

Fog can sometimes be accompanied by drizzle when the humidity stays at 100%. When this happens tiny cloud droplets can coalesce into larger droplets. When the temperatures are below freezing the drizzle will freeze producing very hazardous driving conditions. Drizzle usually occurs just as the fog is lifting, and therefore cooling, or when the droplets are being compressed from the droplets above.

When wind blows moist air over a cool surface the air will cool and advection fog will form. Advection fog is very common at sea when tropical winds pass over cooler waters and on land when a warm front passes over heavy snow. It can also form in areas of upwelling, such as along the California coast. During spring or fall a cold front can propel the air layer over the land. During the summer months, a low pressure trough can be produced by intense heating inland which creates a strong pressure gradient, pulling the fog in from the water. Also during the summer, during the monsoons, a high pressure over the desert can create a southerly flow which pushes the offshore layer of air up the coastline. This type is most commonly created after a heat spell.

When winds blow up a slope they will cool as they rise, causing water vapor to condense and producing what is called upslope fog. If the slope is high enough, freezing fog will form.

Valley fog is a localized form of radiation fog and forms most often in winter when there is a temperature inversions. This is where colder, more dense air settles in the valleys with warmer air passing above. It can actually last for days if there is no wind to mix the air. In the Central Valley region of California, locals call this type of fog Tule Fog.


Most everyone has heard fog described to be “thick as pea soup,” but few folks know where this term originated from. Though it is liberally used to describe any thick fog it orginally was used to describe a dingy yellow smog from burning soft coal. This type of fog was common in Europe, especially London which is famous for its fog anyway. Such fogs occurred in London all the way up till the Clean Air Act of 1956.

Mist is often mistaken for fog and with good reason. The only difference between the two is in our definition of them. If the visibility is less then 1 km, the phenomenon is termed fog, otherwise it is mist. Mist tends to look a bit bluish from a distance. Mist is artificially created when you exhale warm breath on a cold day.


There is a fair amount of weather related folklore surrounding fog, most of it with only a marginal amount of truth.

“If fog forms on water in the autumn or spring a frost is on the way.” This one has some truth to it in that the fog indicates a lot of moisture in the air, and there are many nights cool enough for frost to form with that moisture in autumn and spring.

“A foggy morning with dew on grass indicates a clear day.” This saying is often true because fog most often forms on calm, clear nights and that naturally would lead to a clear day ahead.

Other sayings however, are purely silly and very inaccurate. “Dogs sleeping through the day indicate a coming storm or heavy fog.” Dog owners will attest that their dogs sleep through the day regardless of clouds, fog or clear. “Observe on what day the first heavy fog occurs, and expect a hard frost on the same day in October,” and “Three days of heavy morning fog, watch for bad weather in 90 days,” are about as illogical as groundhogs looking for their shadow to determine when spring will come!


Many people find fog beautiful, but no one can deny it is a visibility hazard. Before radar, fog caused many a collision. Cars and trucks however don’t have radar and must use extra caution driving through fog. Localized fog is especially dangerous to unwary drivers when it appears suddenly.

Fog can wreck real havoc with airports, often grounding flights for hours at a time. There have been some attempts to disperse the fog by spraying salt particles into the air but this has been only partially successful and only when temperatures are below freezing.

If you can’t get enough of fog, try visiting the foggiest place in the world. This honor goes to the Grand Banks off the island of Newfoundland, Canada. Here, one can enjoy fog over 200 days a year! Why is it so foggy here? The Grand Banks is the place where the cold Labrador Current coming in from the north, meets up with the warmer Gulf Stream coming up from the south. If you aren’t a sea farer, you can still enjoy lots of foggy weather by visiting Point Reyes, California, or Argentia, Newfoundland both sites also enjoying nearly 200 foggy days a year!

November 8, 2015

Season of Perfect Works

Filed under: Abstract, Autumn, Hi Res, Minolta 100mm f2.5 Rokkor-X, Nature, Sony A7R, Trees — collin j örthner @ 6:11 pm

“The landscape looked singularly clean and pure and dry, the air like a pure glass being laid over the picture, the trees so tidy and stripped of their leaves; the meadow and pastures clothed with clean, dry grass, looked as if they had been swept; ice on the water and winter in the air, but yet not a particle of snow on the ground. The woods, divested in great part of their leaves, are being ventilated. It is the season of perfect works, of hard, tough, ripe twigs, not of tender buds and leaves. The leaves have made their wood, and a myriad new withes stand up all around, pointing to the sky, and able to survive the cold. It is only the perennial that you see, the iron age of the year.”

Autumn From the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau, 1892


Bower Woods, Red Deer, Alberta


7.1″ x 10″ – Open Edition Printed on Ilford Galerie Prestige 310gsm, signed, numbered, and shipped

21.4″ x 30″ – Edition of 9 + 1 AP  Printed on Ilford Galerie Prestige 310gsm, signed, numbered, and shipped

28.6″ x 40″ – Edition of 4 +1 AP  Printed on Ilford Galerie Prestige 310gsm, signed, numbered, and shipped



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