Collin J Örthner – Photographer

October 3, 2014

Morning Walk in Bower Woods

Filed under: Autumn, Hi Res, Nature, Sigma DP2 Quattro, Trees, W2W — collin j örthner @ 8:48 pm

Almost every morning I have my wife drop me off so that I can get a 20-30 minute walk to work through the Bower Woods. I know many people are tired of tree images, but I can’t help myself. I love the forms of trees especially in fall when there is still a bit of colour before all the leaves are gone and I can see how the branches trace their paths next to each other so much easier when many of the leaves have dropped. These were from a short stint along the edge of the woods along the path I walk along I was late today so didn’t have much time to work. i posted this poem about 6 years ago on this blog, but I keep it as one of my favourites and felt like posting it again:


You shall ask
What good are dead leaves
And I will tell you
they nourish the sore earth
You shall ask
What reason is there for winter
And I will tell you
To bring about new leaves
You shall ask
Why are the leaves so green
And I will tell you
Because they are rich with life
You shall ask
Why must summer end
And I will tell you
So that the leaves can die

Nancy Wood
from Many Waters









[ Sigma DP2 Quattro ]

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