Collin J Örthner – Photographer

May 24, 2014

This Little Guy Worked Long and Hard, He’s Burnt Out

Filed under: Hand of Man, iPhone 4S, Square — collin j örthner @ 9:49 pm

I had been busy changing a few lightbulbs around the house and had set this one down on our dining room table on a nice linen tablecloth so it wouldn’t roll off. I finished up was I was doing and noticed it looked quite nice and made a quick snap with my phone. A little tweaking in some apps and Photoshop and I got this.




[iPhone 4s]



February 10, 2013

Innisfail, AB

Filed under: Architecture, Documentary, Hand of Man, iPhone 4S — collin j örthner @ 2:57 pm



[iPhone 4S]



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