Collin J Örthner – Photographer

November 18, 2017

“Walking Tree” and “Fallen Branch”

Filed under: Black & White, Fujifilm GFX50s, Hi Res, Mamiya 645 210mm, Medium Format, Nature, snow, Trees, Winter — collin j örthner @ 8:55 pm




This past Monday morning I dropped Laura off at her office downtown and headed into Red Deer County through a thick ice fog that had enveloped Red Deer and the surrounding area. I didn’t get far before I started to see the potential for some pictures. I slowed down along one of the range roads heading south as the fog was very thick, but when I get on backroads it’s what I tend to do anyway. As soon as I saw these trees I slammed on the brakes. They reminded me of Ray McSavaney’s pictures of the “Walking Tree” that he made in Yosemite National Park in the 80’s. I set up and waited until the fog drifted off a bit so I could see the front trees a bit better. It took a few minutes but I did’t mind. There was almost no wind and the fog was absorbing most of the sounds from around me. The quietness was very enjoyable!
Ray McSavaney is one of my favourite photographers and his book “Explorations” should not be missed and better yet, be in your library! I believe it was Ray McSavaney that first found the tree he photographed in Yosemite, but John Sexton photographed the “Fallen Branch” beautifully as well. Speaking of books, you should likely round up copies of John Sexton’s “Listen to the Trees” and “Recollections”!


12″ x 10.3″ print, signed, numbered, and shipped (open edition)

24″ x 20.6″ print, signed, numbered, and shipped (prints 1-5 available at this price)

40″ x 34.3″ print, signed, numbered, and shipped (prints 1-5 available at this price)



November 6, 2017

Still Here, Alternatively – I’m Back!

Filed under: Autumn, Fujifilm GFX50s, Hi Res, Mamiya 645 120mm Macro, Mamiya 645 210mm, Medium Format, Nature, Trees — collin j örthner @ 12:53 pm




“It’s dead, Spalpeen,” Brian’s father said gently.


“It happens to things,” his father said.

“Why does it happen to things?” He turned up his face to his father, cheeks stained with drying tears.

“That’s the way they end up.”

W.O Mitchell – Who Has Seen the Wind (Toronto and Boston, 1947) Macmillan of Canada





I have sorrowfully neglected my blog for far too long. No excuses really, just lazy! I have made many many pictures since I last posted and will start with some of the latest and slowly work backwards amongst new pictures as I go. For anyone who follows me on Instagram (collinjorthner) you will have seen most of the pictures I present here, but even today’s post has something different. One of these pictures on Instagram was shown in B&W, and here you get to see it in colour. 🙂

Autumn colours this year were quite beautiful, even though I didn’t capture a tonne (ton for those that still follow the imperial method of weighing things) of pictures. This one was made just as the woods made a last ditch attempt to impress those fortunate enough to walk the trails through them. It was a fairly windy afternoon and it was necessary to wait patiently for a spell of calm. I didn’t mind in the least, as it was still quite warm and looking around me wasn’t a bad way of spending some time. I spent a few hours slowly wandering around searching out the last few areas that were showing off.




We have had more than our share of windstorms this year in central Alberta and as such thousands of trees have been lost. Maybe lost is the wrong term? They are now becoming part of the forest’s nutrition plan for the future! I have tried to find a way of showing the damage, but in a way that is still aesthetically pleasing. It can be hard to walk through Bower Woods and still appreciate them for all their beauty with so many toppled trees.




Pertains to each of the three images in this post:
12″ x 9″ print, signed, numbered, and shipped (open edition)
24″ x 18″ print, signed, numbered, and shipped (prints 1-5 available at this price)
40″ x 30″ print, signed, numbered, and shipped (prints 1-5 available at this price)






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