Collin J Örthner – Photographer

June 3, 2014

First Storm of ’14

Filed under: Agriculture, E-M5, Hand of Man, m4/3, Nature, Olympus Fisheye Body Cap Lens 9mm, Skyscape, Storms — collin j örthner @ 10:11 pm

The storm was breaking up as the sun was setting last night, but it left a lot of rain and some hail in it’s wake. This image was made just S.E. of Red Deer at around 9:35pm. I had my first good chance to try the new Olympus Body Cap Fisheye 9mm f/8 lens. I must say it works rather nicely for this sort of image. I bent the horizon slightly in post to compensate for the barrel distortion the fisheye lens gives as I didn’t keep the horizon dead centre, but aimed the camera up slightly. The distortion is not as severe as I would get from the Rokinon 7.5mm. This tiny Olympus lens sees a mere 140° compared to the Rokinon’s 180° which may be why the distortion doesn’t seem so severe. Of course the Rokinon is easily the better lens, especially in the corners and it’s far faster, but being able to pop the Olympus lens in my shirt pocket for a “just in case” image makes it worth having in the arsenal. If I were shooting aurora or starlit nightscapes, it will be the 7.5mm Rokinon every time.



[ Olympus E-M5, Olympus Body Cap Fisheye 9mm f/8 ]





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