Collin J Örthner – Photographer

May 25, 2015

The Effect of Heat upon the Visual Acuity of Large Compression Telephoto Images

Filed under: Abstract, Hand of Man, Industrial, m4/3, Olympus E-M5II, Panasonic 100-300mm, Square — collin j örthner @ 1:37 pm



[ Olympus E-M5II, Panasonic 100-300mm ]



September 23, 2014

The White Picket Fence Life

Filed under: Abstract, Black & White, Documentary, GF2, Hand of Man, m4/3, Panasonic 20mm f/1.7, Square — collin j örthner @ 10:06 pm

“I grew up with the white picket fence. My dad went to work nine to five, and he had a station wagon.”

Matt Dillon







[Panasonic GF2, Panasonic 20mm]

September 18, 2014

Off to the Market Once Again

Filed under: Abstract, GF2, Hand of Man, m4/3, Panasonic 20mm f/1.7, Square — collin j örthner @ 11:09 pm





[Panasonic GF2, Panasonic 20mm]





August 30, 2014

Red Deer Farmer’s Market

Filed under: Abstract, Agriculture, Documentary, GF2, Hand of Man, m4/3, Panasonic 20mm f/1.7, Square — collin j örthner @ 4:13 pm

Every Saturday morning 150-200 vendors start setting up their tents and wares around 6am. Of course I am just barely opening my eyes at that time, but as soon as I realize morning has come I start looking forward to heading down to have a look around. I love going down down to have a sausage on a bun or a breakfast sandwich and a coffee or two. On cold mornings the coffee keeps my hands warm as I wander up and down the isles of goods all arranged in what each vendor thinks will grab the most attention and hopefully a sale. Most times I am at the market with my wife Laura and two boys, Thomas and Alexander and we sometimes don’t purchase anything other than our breakfasts and hot drinks. Other times we find a deal on some fruit or we spot a trinket that is impossible to live without. I snagged a great deal on some LP’s a few weeks back (55 for $20)! Laura loves to visit a homemade soap vendor and the boys almost always get some mini-donuts and/or a sno-cone. We usually meet half a dozen people we know, so of course there is some chatting. This morning I brought along my small digital camera to make some images and was excited by all the possibilities. I shoved an extra battery in my pocket and started to look for things that caught my eye. After making maybe 15 images the battery died, so I grabbed the second one and inserted it only to find to my dismay that it was also dead. I was quite disappointed as I was seeing so many more things to make images of, but the market runs for 5 or 6 more weeks, so I’ll be bringing my camera with me each time to find more!


[Panasonic GF2, Panasonic 20mm f1.7]



May 28, 2014

Kicking Horse River, Yoho National Park, B.C.

Filed under: E-M5, m4/3, Mountain, Movement, Nature, Olympus M.Zuiko 40-150mm, Rocks, Square, Travel, Water — collin j örthner @ 7:51 pm

While co-leading a photo excursion in Banff and Yoho National Parks, our group made a stop at the Natural Bridge just a few kilometres from Field B.C. We spent a fair bit of time wandering below the falls photographing the many variations of the fast moving water as it tumbles over rocks on it’s way to the Pacific Ocean.



[Olympus E-M5, M.Zuiko 40-150mm]





May 24, 2014

This Little Guy Worked Long and Hard, He’s Burnt Out

Filed under: Hand of Man, iPhone 4S, Square — collin j örthner @ 9:49 pm

I had been busy changing a few lightbulbs around the house and had set this one down on our dining room table on a nice linen tablecloth so it wouldn’t roll off. I finished up was I was doing and noticed it looked quite nice and made a quick snap with my phone. A little tweaking in some apps and Photoshop and I got this.




[iPhone 4s]



January 9, 2014

Autumn Storm Clouds

Filed under: Agriculture, Autumn, Black & White, Hand of Man, Nature, Sigma DP3 Merrill, Sigma DP3M, Skyscape, Square, Storms — collin j örthner @ 10:23 pm

Storm clouds rolling over Red Deer County last fall. I made this along one of my favourite backroads that winds through some hilly country a bit east of Red Deer.



[Sigma DP3 Merrill]



November 16, 2013

2.25 x 2.25

Filed under: Abstract, Documentary, Hand of Man, Industrial, Medium Format, Square, Yashicamat — collin j örthner @ 8:12 am

2 1/4 x 2 1/4 is one of my favourite ratios to photograph in and the numbers here represent the size of film being used in inches. The square. I can either pick up a medium format camera, as I did for this image, or I can crop one of my digital cameras. You can check out more of my images made as squares by clicking on the “square” tab on the right. This image was made quite a few years ago in Edmonton while I was waiting for my wife to get off work. She was working at the Charles Camsell Hospital in Edmonton and so I would sometimes get there a bit early and wander about the area with my Yashicamat 124G twin lens camera. I really enjoy using twin lens cameras for their relatively small size and simplicity, but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy working with a Hasselblad either. The main advantage to the Hasselblad is that I can change lenses, but also that I view what I am photographing through the taking lens. I don’t recall what film was used in this case, although I suspect it was Fujichrome 50D. I couldn’t find the original this morning, but when I do come across it I’ll update the post, not that it really matters all that much.



[Yashicamat 124G, Fujichrome 50D]



October 20, 2013

A Different Take

Filed under: Architecture, Hand of Man, Impossible Project, Industrial, Polaroid, Square, SX-70, Travel — collin j örthner @ 10:40 pm

A bit of a different take on the grain elevator in Rosedale. This time using a Polaroid SX-70 camera with Impossible Project colour film. I love the gorgeous rendering of the blue/green metal siding!



[Polaroid SX-70,  Impossible Project PX70]



August 28, 2013

Sun-Oka Beach

Filed under: Hand of Man, People, Sigma DP3 Merrill, Sigma DP3M, Square, Travel, Water — collin j örthner @ 7:32 am

Sunny Okanagan is my highly educated guess for the shortened name Sun-Oka! Took me forever to figure that out too……. 😉 Well the picture lives up to the description anyway. The colours of the umbrella drew me in and the I noticed her beach chair matches too. Looks to me like she is having a great holiday. As I am getting out my camera to make the image a tiny cloud formed allowing for a sky that isn’t just an ordinary blue.  Nice.



[Sigma DP3 Merrill]



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