Collin J Örthner – Photographer

January 31, 2013

Lamont, AB, 1990 #5

Filed under: Abstract, Hand of Man, Polaroid, Vehicles — collin j örthner @ 9:41 pm




[Polaroid Spectra]



January 29, 2013

Lamont, AB, 1990 #4

Filed under: Abstract, Hand of Man, Polaroid, Vehicles — collin j örthner @ 10:58 pm



[Polaroid Spectra]



Lamont, AB, 1990 #3

Filed under: Hand of Man, Polaroid, Vehicles — collin j örthner @ 10:34 pm





[Polaroid Spectra]



January 28, 2013

Lamont, AB, 1990 #2

Filed under: Hand of Man, Polaroid, Vehicles — collin j örthner @ 12:08 pm

Second in this short series of 6 images all made using a Polaroid Spectra camera.



[Polaroid Spectra]



January 27, 2013

Lamont, AB, 1990 #1

Filed under: Hand of Man, Polaroid, Vehicles — Tags: — collin j örthner @ 3:09 pm

I pulled out a few Polaroid images made way back in 1990. This image was made using the Polaroid Spectra camera. I am hoping to find one at a thrift shop again soon. I also found my old SX-70 camea for which I will need to pick up some film for right quick. I really like the look of these images!



[Polaroid Spectra]



January 23, 2013

Acquiring Gratitude

Filed under: Hi Res, Nature, Sigma DP2 Merrill, Sigma DP2M, snow, Trees, Winter — collin j örthner @ 7:57 pm


“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”

Genesis 8:22  ESV


So often, winter to me feels far too long. I long for spring and the new green. Birds return and  life returns to the Canadian prairie and parkland. But winter is a season in good time just as the creator intended. Depending on where we live, some of us endure a lot more cold than others, building endurance and creating a very strong appreciation for the first warm days of spring and the heat of summer. The almost complete silence of a cold day in winter can be exhilarating just as easily as the raucous noise of a spring slough come alive with birdsong. Maybe “endurance” is the wrong word, how about “gratitude”??



[Sigma DP2 Merrill]



January 13, 2013

September’s Green

Filed under: Autumn, Hi Res, Nature, Sigma DP2 Merrill, Sigma DP2M, Trees, W2W — collin j örthner @ 3:59 pm

This image goes back into September last year. Only because I haven’t been out much lately to get new work, I decided to go back through some of my early work with the Sigma DP2 Merrill camera. “September’s Green” comes from my second day with the new camera. I was walking to work and didn’t even take a tripod(So bad!). There is only a tiny bit of camera movement as I was very conscious of my breathing and finger pressure on the shutter release. There were so many different shades of green, just before the first fall frosts hastened the change to yellows, reds, and oranges.




[Sigma DP2 Merrill]



January 7, 2013

Prefab and Winter

Filed under: Architecture, Documentary, Hand of Man, Sigma DP2 Merrill, Sigma DP2M, Trees, Winter — collin j örthner @ 3:09 pm

It may be just me, but many prefab buildings seem very cold, architecturally speaking. Bland, boring, inorganic somehow. They don’t feel as though they have any character. This image made in -17°C this morning really echoes my feelings towards this building in Red Deer.



[Sigma DP2 Merrill]



January 3, 2013

Glass Abstraction

Filed under: Abstract, E-M5, Hand of Man, interior Design, m4/3 — collin j örthner @ 10:00 pm

Another take on our glass water jug, this time it’s mostly green.



[Olympus E-M5, Nikon 105mm f/2.8 Micro and a few different sorts of extension]



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